A Few Ways To Save On Wedding Venue

Our last blog post detailed five things to consider when choosing a wedding venue in Victoria BC.  At the bottom of that post we also listed 29 of our favourite wedding venues in the city.

This post will be all about ways you can save on a wedding venue. These are great tips to help save on the cost of a wedding venue in Victoria BC:

  1. Consider booking on a Friday or Sunday, instead of a Saturday. Venues often charge less for events on these days, providing a cost-saving opportunity.
  2. Prioritize your must-haves for the venue, such as a scenic view or gourmet dinner, to help narrow down the search and find the most suitable venue for your needs.
  3. Look into non-traditional venues, such as art galleries, parks, breweries, farms, or bed and breakfasts, which could offer unique and more affordable options.
  4. Consider holding your wedding in a smaller town, as rental costs tend to be lower in these areas compared to larger cities.
  5. Book a single venue for both the ceremony and reception, which can save you on separate venue rental fees and make it easier for your guests to attend.
  6. Have a morning wedding, as serving lunch is typically less expensive than dinner, and the venue rental cost may also be lower.

Additionally, you can save money by opting for a daytime wedding rather than an evening wedding, as venues often offer discounts for daytime events. You can also save money on decorations and lighting by selecting a venue with unique and eye-catching features, such as exposed brick walls or a beautiful outdoor garden. Don’t be afraid to negotiate with the venue as well, as many are willing to offer discounts to secure your booking. Lastly, consider having a smaller, more intimate wedding with only close friends and family, as this can significantly lower the cost of the venue and overall wedding expenses.

We hope these tips will help you reduce the costs of your wedding. Contact us you haven’t already secured Victoria BC wedding DJ’s for your wedding.

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